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Find personal data

How Cleardox helps you find personal data inside the documents that need to be redacted


When you upload your document, Cleardox will start looking for personal data inside the document. Cleardox can find personal data within these categories: 


  • Person names (first, middle and last name) 

  • Company names

  • Email adresses

  • Social security numbers

  • Adresses

  • Professions (eg. CEO, Head off etc.) â€‹

  • Phone numbers 

  • etc. 


Cleardox initially tells you how many entities it has found, and will clearly highlight all instances with a light grey color throughout the document. You can also find all entities in a structured format in our side panel (Fast Track). You can turn on/of the categories that are not relevant for you, so that the search is catered to your redaction need. 

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When you click on one of the grey boxes in the document a yellow pop-up box will appear with some details about the entity you are about to redact. 


  1. How many times the entity appears in the document.

  2. What category the entity is placed in (company, name, email address etc.). This is important because it will determine what pseudonym will appear when you redact the word. 

  3. Handle all instances (yes/no)?: Check box that allows the user to handle all or just one particular instance. 

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Cleardox will always bring you back to the first entity in the document that has not yet been accepted or rejected by the user. In this way Cleardox follow a chronological order. But you don´t need to follow this order. You can start redacting and anonymizing from anywhere in the document you like. Just click on the grey boxes and start redacting. 

Se how it works in our video redaction tool tip

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