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Scanned PDFs

How to redact a scanned PDF with Cleardox


PDFs are different and no PDF is exactly the same. But generally we distinguish between a text PDF and a scanned PDF. A scanned PDF contains a picture as an overlay and maybe som text underneath it. 


The way we redact and anonymizes the two types of PDFs are different. When we redact a text PDF we perform text editing. When we redact a scanned PDF we perform picture editing (or a combination of text and picture). But don´t worry about the technical aspects.  Cleardox knows when a PDF is scanned or not and will guide you through the redaction process. 


Since many organizations still print and sign documents manually, we still tend to see a lot of scanned PDFs when organizations use Cleardox for redaction.


When you upload a scanned PDF to Cleardox the redaction flow is a little different. This is because we are now essentially editing a picture. If the PDF has a text layer underneath it, Cleardox will still highlight sensitive information in the PDF. But you need to manually redact the content with your cursor. 

If there is no text layer, Cleardox will in the current version not be able to detect sensitive information in the document. (Psssst! we are working on a new version that will make that possible)


As soon as you mark something that needs to be redacted the usual pop-up redaction box appears. But with a scanned PDF we have added an additional drop down menu underneath the category menu. This allows you to associate a redacted word with an already redacted word. 

Se how it works in our video redaction tool tip

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